mHealth in LMICs

Dr Niall Winters, Associate Professor, University of Oxford

This talk focuses on how mobile technologies can support the training and supervision of CHWs in LMICs, drawing on empirical work in Kenya and Uganda. Dr Winters examines on-going research into how the latest advances in artificial intelligence may be leveraged to support exploratory learning by CHWs during their day-to-day work.

Dr Judith McCool, Associate Professor, University of Auckland

Dr McCool discusses the opportunities and challenges of mHealth as it is evolving in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Pacific in particular. SIDS are distinctive yet share similar challenges as other LMICs. Dr McCool discusses how mHealth can advance UHC and in particular, health equity, in this context.The talk is focused on the pragmatic considerations (capacity, adaptation, access) alongside implicit concerns about (public private) partnerships, ownership and design leadership.


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